Join with Us — Make An Impact for Women and Families
Be engaged by supporting our issues as we
- Use text banks for a cause.
- Use social media to stress AAUW’s position.
- Educate by storytelling about the times and means of Roe v. Wade.
- Use 5 Calls ( and AAUW’s 2 Minute Activist to let your legislator know what’s important to you
Be engaged by sending a contribution. Be engaged by becoming a member. We aim to make an impact in our local communities near Cleveland, Ohio’s east side. Join us if you are interested in helping with our work. You do not need an invitation; we welcome all who support equity and education.
As a member of Heights-Hillcrest-Lyndhurst AAUW you can expect
- thought-provoking topics about women’s issues, current events, and other matters of general interest
- networking with other college graduates
- leadership development
- action projects that support public education, science and mathematics for girls, and pay equity
- a chance to support equity and education for women and girls through legislation, philanthropy at your level, and action
Who Can Join?
Membership is open to anyone holding an associate’s (or equivalent, e.g. RN), bachelor’s, or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university. AAUW helps you take a stand.
How to Join
New members can join online at our national AAUW site. Payment options will be credit card or PayPal. Make sure you have selected Heights-Hillcrest-Lyndhurst Branch. Welcome!
National dues are $72. Ohio dues of $11 and HHL dues of $12.50 are additional.
Another way to join is to complete an HHL-BRANCH-MEMBERSHIP-APPLICATION 2024 and pay by check. Contact the current branch finance officer or click the Contact Us menu above.
Visit a local branch meeting, talk with us or email us
Local branch members enjoy the benefits of the local, state, and national AAUW organizations, including help with employment challenges, travel benefits, and health insurance. For more complete descriptions, check out the AAUW Ohio site and the national AAUW site. Branch members also develop leader skills by trying new projects, leading discussions, working with members of AAUW’s national leader corps, or by taking office and being mentored in the local branch, AAUW Ohio, or national AAUW.
Undergraduate students are eligible for affiliation. Students at partner institutions enjoy free e-affiliation. HHL offers discounted branch membership to undergraduate and graduate students. Read about student membership.
Most Heights-Hillcrest-Lyndhurst AAUW members live across the Northeast Ohio area. Membership is not by invitation. A portion of your dues may be tax deductible.