AAUW’s Current Focus Is Bringing People Together
Through the years, AAUW has worked for advocacy, education, and research. Now it is time for all those who advocate for equity for all to plan and work together, using our previous work to further our mission. Knowing the history of our previous work is key. National is making our webinars open and making them available online.
Recap: AAUW Continues Its Public Policy Advocacy and Action
We’re Closing in on Pay Equity, or Are We?
Have you heard? The gender pay gap just narrowed a bit. On the average, women make 82 cents for every dollar men make doing the same job. But, this varies greatly when we look at ethnicity with Latinas not catching up until November 1–nearly a year late. Imagine going to the counter to pay for a $4 loaf of bread, but the checkout said, “$7.40, please.” That’s the effect of making 54 cents for every dollar men make.
It is estimated that at the current rate of gain, the gap may close by 2119–that’s more than a century away! Women and families can’t wait. Do a search for “pay gap” at our national website https://www.aauw.org for data about pay discrimination and its effects on women.
AAUW Conducts Research That Matters for Women And Girls
AAUW’s research work serves as a catalyst for action. It influences the national discussion on topics like the pay gap between women and men, sexual harassment in schools and on college campuses, and the underrepresentation of women in science and engineering. AAUW’s research report, Barriers and Bias: The Status of Women in Leadership, is just one report of many AAUW publishes that can help inspire your project.
Wonder if you have any bias? Try AAUW’s short test to see what it says about you. Try it here. Explore our branch Diversity Blog.
AAUW’s advocacy work at the national organization level builds upon a century of responsible public participation at the local, state, national, and international levels. We speak out about legislation and policies that are important to women. The national member-endorsed Public Policy Priorities illuminates and advances AAUW’s mission of promoting equity and education for all women and girls. AAUW conducts comprehensive advocacy to pursue its public policy priorities.
National AAUW supports legal cases involving discrimination and conducts research that influences national discussion.
Campus Connections—
Do You Need Funding for Grad School or a Community Project?
One of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women, National AAUW has been one of the largest funders of women’s graduate education. Application periods generally run from August 1 to November. Note: this branch does not award monies. The funding is a National AAUW program.
Family Life Issues & Pay Equity—
It’s Negotiable: Salary Skill Builder Now Free
Did you know that 57 percent of men try to negotiate their salary but only 7 percent of women do? AAUW thinks that should change. Find our how to boost your career.
AAUW introduces Work Smart Online — a free salary negotiation course to help women earn the pay they deserve!
Benefits of taking the Work Smart Online course:
- Improve your negotiation skills – not just for salary but for ALL kinds of negotiations!
- Learn about the pay gap and hone your skills as an advocate for pay equity
- Raise awareness about AAUW’s important work by articulating why negotiation is so important:
- AAUW’s research on the gender pay gap shows that, one year out of college, women are already paid significantly less than men.
- Women who work full time take home 80 cents for every dollar a full-time male worker is paid. And over a lifetime, those lost potential earnings add up.
The Impact on Women And Their Families
The average woman will lose between $400,000 to $1 million over her lifetime due to the pay gap. Let’s empower women so that they can get what they deserve!
Work Smart Online–the easy, engaging e-tool will teach you to:
- Learn the market value of your skills and experience
- Determine an equitable “target salary” based on your experience and skills
- Ask for — and get — the pay you deserve
Here’s the best part: The program works! In surveys with our participants, nearly all reported having more confidence and better negotiating skills after taking the class.
Training 10 million women in salary negotiation is central to AAUW’s goal of closing the gender pay gap by 2030. By changing laws, improving employer practices, and empowering women to negotiate their own futures — through AAUW Work Smart Online and efforts — we can make it happen.
What Is Equal Pay Day?
On average, women are not paid the same as men doing the same work. What does this mean for you? Say, you are a man or someone who is retired. Why should you care?
Does equal pay matter? “It matters every time women receive their paychecks and have less money to cover their bills, support their families or save for a home or retirement. It matters to our daughters and granddaughters, who grow up with less opportunity. It matters to spouses and partners who have to work more to help compensate for the difference. It matters to communities across the country, as women have less to contribute in spending power and taxes. It matters to employers, since closing the pay gap benefits businesses and organizations, creating a better workplace where everyone can thrive.
And it matters to the economy. Projections from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research show the US economy would produce additional income of more than $512 billion if women received equal pay. A recent McKinsey study showed that $12 trillion could be added to the global GDP by 2025 with stronger workplace gender equity practices.”
Use the Two-Minute Activist, a quick way to email your congressional representatives. Empowering women since 1881, AAUW lets you take action to make your voice heard in Congress.
As we face pressing issues of families split by deportation, mass killings, and sexual harassment, we are ashamed that women and families suffer from the gender pay gap. You can talk with friends, tell your members of Congress, join a group of voices speaking out against injustice–join AAUW. Membership is open to all recipients of an associates or equivalent, bachelors or higher degree from an accredited college or university. Undergrads and graduate students are eligible to become associate members at a reduced rate. Contact us for more information.
Your Money
What would your family do with another $11,477 every year? Save more for you children’s education? Move to a better neighborhood school? Get better dental or medical care? Why do we ask? In Ohio, women’s median income falls behind men’s by $11,477. Further, when Ohio women average 79% of men’s earning, this pay discrepancy ranks 31st of all the states and the District of Columbia.
Because women earn less on average than men, they must work longer to receive the same amount of pay.
Think that the pay gap is not real? Get the straight facts on the Pay Gap FAQs page where you can begin with your interest and drill down.
AAUW STEM Camps 2024 Develop Ohio Girls’ Science Interest
Be Wise Camp at Muskingum University, New Concord, Ohio, is a mathematics, science and technology camp designed to develop interest, excitement, and self confidence in young women who are entering grades 7 or 8 in the fall. More than 3,000 girls have completed the camp program since its inception summer 1989. This year’s residential camp for 7/8 Grade Girls is June 9 -14, 2024 at Muskingum University, New Concord, Ohio.
Be WISE Day Camp for 5/6 Grade Girls is July 8 – 10, 2024 at Philo Junior High School in Philo, Ohio.
Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
AAUW continues its advocacy for women in STEM fields through webinars. It’s research is available to read or download here.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Ohio
STEM education and retention is both a family issue and an equity issue. Unemployment has hit Ohio men especially hard, and these men find it difficult to find a new job. Usually, their families have suffered more than a 50% reduction in income. What might explain this?
A family issue Ohio is not among the leaders in high technology that dominates our economy. The Ohio Board of Regents Policymaker’s Guide states, “In a recent survey by the Milken Institute, not one Ohio metropolitan area ranked among the top 50 high-tech metros relative to high-tech real output growth in 2002.” Why, not? In 2004, Ohio ranked 40th among all states on the percentage of the state’s population who have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher – 23.3% versus 27% for the nation. Only ten states have a lower baccalaureate attainment rate. Business looks for a trained workforce.
An equity issue
Men still dominate higher-paying fields such as science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). According to a 2008 U.S. Department of Labor report, women make up 45 percent of the U.S. work force. In business and industry, however, they are employed in only 12 percent of the science and engineering positions and 20 percent of the information technology positions.
Legal Advocacy Fund
AAUW challenges sex discrimination on campus and in the workplace by informing people of their rights and using the legal system to seek justice and change. The Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF) works to challenge sex discrimination in higher education and the workplace. Our resources range from community outreach programs to backing of major cases.
Our successful New Little Book Project helped equity of access to education by raising Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) scores in social studies.