It’s Time For The Fair Districts Ohio Voters Want
We want fair districts that let voters choose their representatives, not politicians picking their voters. What do we mean? When Ohio’s districts are drawn to favor one party instead of being a fair representation of the voters in the district, elections are determined by the party in power –not you, the people. The election outcome is determined in the primary, not the general election. AAUW HHL supports fair districts drawn by an independent commission of citizens whose collective party affiliations are equal.
Thank you for Voting
Our democracy depends on informed voters who vote.
- Don’t know your Congressional, Senate, or State Rep District? Find it when you check your voter registration here
- Information about voting, sample ballot for the statewide offices, links to local boards of elections to find “your” ballot at Watch for full information about candidates and issues etc.
- Voter Toolkit to track your ballot, find your polling location, view your sample ballot, or check your voter registration
- A list of candidates running for local offices can be obtained by contacting your county board of elections. In Summit County, select “Absentee Voting” to see more.
- Ratings of and info about judges in Cuyahoga County and
- League of Women Voters Voters’ Guide. Choose All the Election Information You Need to Vote.
Recap: Each Election Year We Help You Find Voting Information
Get Ready and Vote—
Access your sample ballot online from the State of Ohio’s directory of County Board of Elections (BOE) website and encourage others to do the same. From Ohio’s directory here, you can link to your county. Here is an example: click on C to find Cuyahoga County BOE or scroll down. There are several counties beginning with C, so scroll down the page to find Cuyahoga County. Click on the link to their website
This year, you and the people you influence may only vote for two or three down-ballot issues or offices, but it’s a good start for growth. Vote to make your community the place you want to live.