What It Means To Be An AAUW Affiliate

AAUW is a national organization that has been empowering women as individuals and as a community since 1881. For more than 130 years, we have worked together as a national grassroots organization to improve the lives of millions of women and their families.

Many localities have affiliate groups, often called “branches,” that work together to further AAUW’s mission and to support one another. Each branch has its own characteristics, but they all reflect AAUW’s mission and values.  How can that happen?  In Ohio, the statewide organization helps its 21 branches by listing activities that each branch should aim to include during the year.  Branches that achieve the requirements are given awards at the Ohio State Meetings.  Ohio also makes awards to branches that promote diversity and those that contribute to our National AAUW Fund.

Many AAUW Ohio branches offer scholarships and donations to help girls attend BeWISE Camp

Bylaws Primers to Help You Update Bylaws

In 2025 AAUW Ohio presents three Bylaws Primers to help branches comply with a mandated bylaws update. The passcode to watch Part 1 and Part 2 videos is ZV+CkGM4  The passcode for Part 3 is Aj3V*!28

Primer on AAUW Bylaws – Part 1

Bylaws Primer 2

Bylaws Primer 3

The PowerPoint of Primer 2 – Bylaws

The PowerPoint of Primer 3 – Policy

Bylaws changes are due to national and to nstell256@gmail.com for AAUW Ohio